
Buy gems in our shop! Use VIP points to increase your purchase

Purchase Gems

Buy Gems and use them anywhere, anytime in Carry1st Shop!

What is Gem?

Gems are an in-store currency in Carry1st Shop to provide our customers:

- Purchasing items with Gems

- Transferring Gems to friends

- SOON! - Earning Gems via referring friends

How much is a Gem?

You need to pay $1 to buy 1000 Gems!

The stored value of Gems will always be adjusted to the corresponding USD $ amount of Gems.

- If you have 1000 Gems, this means you have Gems that are worth $1.

- If you have 2000 Gems, this means you have Gems that are worth $2.

What can I do with Gems?

- You can buy any items from the Carry1st Shop with the corresponding amount of Gems.

- You can send a specific amount of Gems to your friend.

- You can receive Gems from your friends.

How can I transfer Gems?

1. Login or register to Carry1st Shop.

2. Go to the profile section.

3. Click “Gems” from the menu.

4. If you have a sufficient amount of Gems, Click “Transfer Gems” from the menu. If you don’t have a sufficient amount of Gems, Click “Buy More Gems” to buy enough Gems to transfer.

5. Enter the recipient email address of the account you want to transfer your Gems.

6. Enter the number of Gems to be transferred.

- Transaction fee is a 1% fee for transferring Gems.

- You can see the number of Gems your recipient will get.

7. If the recipient is not registered to Carry1st, the recipient should sign up to complete receiving Gems.

Gems FAQ

جواهر هي عملة صعبة.

  • آمن
  • ذو قيمة
  • قابل للتتبع
  • قابل للنقل

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